Brewster Brothers To Support Exclusive Album Showcase Gigs By The Angels
As a special treat for fans the inceptors of the band, John & Rick Brewster, will be performing a special opening set and their will also be an extended encore from The Angels to close the show.
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Brewster Brothers Electric – Miami Marketta
Brewster Brothers: Electric – Playing Angels Rarities
Fri 1st Sep 2023 – Miami Marketta – QLD
“We’re not badging these shows as The Angels“, John Brewster explains… “But we are doing Angels songs.“
So, what’s the story?
Well, Brewster Brothers just love to play – it’s what they’ve been doing for the past five decades.
And they’re aware of the fact that The Angels singer, Dave Gleeson, has commitments with another great Australian band, The Screaming Jets.
While Dave is busy with the Jets, the Brewster Brothers thought they’d take the opportunity to perform some of the songs they’ve been itching to play.
It’s a gift for Angels fans – the songs they’ve been hoping to hear live for years now.
Now, these might be referred to as “rarities”, but these are songs that other bands would base their entire set around.
We’re talking tracks such as Dogs Are Talking, City Out Of Control, Eat City, Night Attack, No Exit, Straight Jacket, Who Rings The Bell and the first song that John Brewster wrote for the band, Shelter From The Rain.
Visit The Gigs Page For Info
Brewster Brothers Electric – Playing Angels Rarities
Feb & Apr 2023 – Brewster Brothers: Electric – Playing Angels Rarities
“We’re not badging these shows as The Angels“, John Brewster explains… “But we are doing Angels songs.“
So, what’s the story?
Well, Brewster Brothers just love to play – it’s what they’ve been doing for the past five decades.
And they’re aware of the fact that The Angels singer, Dave Gleeson, has commitments with another great Australian band, The Screaming Jets.
While Dave is busy with the Jets, the Brewster Brothers thought they’d take the opportunity to perform some of the songs they’ve been itching to play.
It’s a gift for Angels fans – the songs they’ve been hoping to hear live for years now.
Now, these might be referred to as “rarities”, but these are songs that other bands would base their entire set around.
We’re talking tracks such as Dogs Are Talking, City Out Of Control, Eat City, Night Attack, No Exit, Straight Jacket, Who Rings The Bell and the first song that John Brewster wrote for the band, Shelter From The Rain.
Visit The Gigs Page For Info
Brewster Brothers Play Tasmania – Feb 2021
John & Rick Brewster go back to their roots to bring you their unique style that reflects and embodies all of their influences.
From Rick’s early classical piano playing and subsequent soaring lead guitar solos to John’s young teenage years holed up in his bedroom engrossed with The Beatles, Dylan, The Band and the like – music that inspired them to become musicians and songwriters who have played to millions of people worldwide over their 45 year career in the music industry.
Now, in December 2020, Rick & John will present three exclusive shows for fans in Tasmania as they play the best of their repertoire which spans their entire musical career including Angels classics,Bob Dylan and their own original Brewster Brothers songs.